98 25 3 2 0


LOr. 3390-306

Drawing on Dutch paper, watermark Pro Patria, countermark VdL., 34.3 x 41.5 cm

Bima, right, crusehs Sakuni into pieces. Bloud pours from his neck and chest. The pupils of his eyes are turned upwards, which means that he is already dead. A text in Balinese script in ink on the top says: “bima”, and more to the left: “sakuni masempalsempal”, Sakuni chopped into pieces.

On the left, the servants of both parties, Gedé Barakan, Sangut, Dèlem, Twalèn and Tolé, right, fight each other as well. The man at the bottom left is pointing his kris at his opponent, but the top of the weapon is bent double. A text in Balinese script in ink in the middle says: “twalèn” and below it: “dèlem”. Twalèn and Dèlem are the main servants of Bima and Sakuni respectively. Above these two men there is a group of three. Two servants are held by their hair by a third man standing in the centre. At the top in the centre is written: “puniki gdé barakan, nga”, this is Gedé Barakan. In Latin script Van der Tuuk has added: “gede brangkangan. According to the dictionary (IV: 906) Gedé Brangkangan is mentioned as “a name of a servant in the wayang”. Barakan is still known as a servant of the right party in the North Balinese wayang. Close to the green man on the left is written: “hisèngut”, I Sèngut, which is another name for Sangut, a servant of the Korawa party. Close to the small man on the right is written: “hitolé”, I Tolé. He is, according to Van der Tuuk (II: 691), a son of Twalèn.

This scene refers to an episode described in the Old Javanese Bharatayuddha (XLIII: 6). Bima crushes Sakuni with his club. He sucks the blood from the corpse, tears it into five pieces which he throws away.

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